Eating fish is part of the food culture of seaside countries, especially those of the Mediterranean basin, where the nutritional model refers to the Mediterranean Diet. There are many benefits for our health from fish. In recent years, thanks to the ‘fashion’ of sushi, the consumption of raw fish has increased dramatically and, with it, the risk of contracting zoonoses, i.e. diseases and / or infections transmitted directly or indirectly from animals to humans and vice versa.
By virtue of its nutritional values, fish is essential for a healthy and well balanced diet, it is advisable to include it in your diet and consume it at least 2 times a week; as meat, eggs and milk and derivatives, in fact, it provides proteins with a high biological value, moreover, it is rich in mono and polyunsaturated fats, including the precious ω3, mineral salts and vitamins fresh seafood delivery.
Fish proteins are considered noble because they have a high nutritional power, as they contain all the essential amino acids (amino acids that our body is unable to synthesize), but they are also more digestible than those from other animal sources.
The composition of fats, on the other hand, is more variable and is closely linked to the type of fish. The percentage of fat varies from 0.3 to 14%, so much so that it can be divided into:
lean fish, with less than 5% fat (including cod, sole, hake, trout and sea bream);
semi-fatty fish, with a fat percentage between 5 and 10% (including perch, snapper, swordfish);
fatty fish with more than 10% fat (including salmon, mackerel, herring and eels).
However, there is a clear prevalence of polyunsaturated fatty acids, mainly ω3, capable of reducing blood cholesterol levels. Furthermore, ω3 promote fetal development, for this reason, fish is also recommended during pregnancy and lactation. Finally, they allow the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.
Among the mineral salts contained in fish we find:
Phosphorus which contributes to the absorption of calcium in the intestine, strengthens the regenerative power of cells and is important for bone construction, stamina generation and expansion of the organism. Similarly, it supports the usage of vitamins by the body and is especially effective in diseases of sight, hearing and smell. Furthermore, it performs a buffer function for maintaining the pH balance in the blood. Finally, it improves memory and invigorates in case of fatigue and depression.
Calcium essential for the growth and health of bones and for the well-being of the teeth, as it guarantees their thickness and elasticity. Fights the tendency to tooth decay, osteoporosis and decalcification. It is necessary for proper muscle development, prevents cramps and contractures. Calcium stimulates cell metabolism, the assimilation of nutrients and the production of energy. It is indicated during pregnancy and lactation. Essential for the balance of the nervous system, calcium lowers cholesterol, stabilizes the heart rhythm and regulates blood clotting and pH. Calcium is a natural tranquilizer, fights nervousness, insomnia and depression, strengthens learning ability and memory.